Bowls not just for those of older years, say Newhaven youngsters.
A group of Newhaven youngsters are defying the stereotype that bowls is an older persons sport.
The 11 to 14 year olds have been learning the tricks of the game from members of Denton Island Indoor Bowls Club at weekly sessions and they have found out bowls is not as easy as they once thought.
The venture was made possible by Newhaven Community Development Association’s successful bid for Sportivate funding to encourage young people to try different sports and to fund a coach and youth worker.
Seven youngsters have been building up a good relationship with the club volunteers, who give up their time to help with the fun sessions.
Tara Nicholson, 14 said “I thought it would be boring and just for old people but it has been really fun.”
The sessions have seen the young people develop their skills and confidence and they tested out what there had learnt in a relaxed Christmas tournament which included trophies for the winner and runner up.
A spokesperson from Denton Island Indoor Bowls Club said a lot of members commented how wonderful it was to see some of the younger generation having so much fun in the club and enjoying a game of bowls.
Sessions are continuing. Contact a member of the youth team on 01273 517250 or if you would like to take part.